Since it seems orphaned, it'd be nice if they post the source to Github so maybe the project could be brought back to life. I've had a registered copy for years but an interface upgrade would be nice. I got it when I had Windows95 and now on Windows 11.
PJDude, nice work bro, but look at the clean and beautiful WhereIsIt interface which is important if you use it often. Even "successors" like WinCatalog aren't just comparable on that matter.
I've been using WhereIsIt for at least 12 years & it is awesome at its primary mission of allowing you to search your files & folders on media that aren't physically connected or present. This is truly a great program & it is hard to imagine why this isn't maintained or updated any longer (at least since 2014) since it's such an awesome product w/ fantastic reviews across many sites.
FYI, I just wonder... Why did you bother to write anyway?! Care to share what did you find? Nobody cares if you just sharing the fact you have found something, other people are searching for, without posting it here. So stupid when people do so...
I am a personal user